
  • Nurhayati STIKes Fort De Kock Bukittinggi
  • Yelmi Reni Putri STIKes Fort De Kock Bukittinggi


Effleurage Massages, Pregnant Women, Third Trimester, Sleep Quality


Backgorund: Sleep quality disorder has become an experience that is considered as normal experience in the third trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women feel a disruption to their sleep patterns and quality. Some pregnant women do not care about this disorder and do not do any effort to overcome it. By Improving sleep quality, it will give a positive impact on the mother and fetus health. Through this research the opinion of pregnant women should be changed from sleep disturbance they that assume it is a common complain during pregnancy. In short, by using this intervention, sleep quality of mother will be increased and the baby will be health.

Method: The type of research is quasi experiment with one group pre test-post test design approach. The populations in this study were all third trimester pregnant women who had sleep problems. This research was conduct on 7 days. For each intervention, it took time for about 5 minutes. Purposive sampling technique had been used to take the samples. Then, 10 people had been chosen as the samples of this research. The data were collected sleep quality observation sheet (PSQI). It was analyzed by computerization (univariate and bivariate analysis).

Results and Conclusions: The results showed that the average sleep quality of respondents before doing the intervention was 10.90 and after that it was 4.50. Then, there was a difference in the average quality of sleep before and after the intervention with an average difference of 6.40 and p = 0.005. Moreover, there was an increase sleep quality with a decrease in the average PSQI score. In short, it can be concluded that effleurage massage is effective in improving the quality of sleep in pregnant women in the third trimester. Then, it is expected that the health workers provide education and training to third trimester pregnant women and also their families able to apply this technique in managing sleep disorders independently.


