Solid Medical Waste Management, Knowledge, Attitude, Compliance, Education, MidwivesAbstract
The increasing rate of solid medical waste is generated by the Community Health Center. It must be balanced with a good waste management system. By doing that, the environment is not polluted and nosocomial infections occurred. The Minister of Health Number 27 of 2017 concerns about the Prevention of Infection Control is obliged to manage the waste. Based on the preliminary survey that conducted on March 2018 in Lumpo Community Health Center sanitation officer, it was known that the trash bin had been classified based on the type of waste which then solid medical waste was sent to the Lumpo Community Health Center according to the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for solid medical waste management. Paramedics such as midwives bury solid medical waste in the form of drug syringes and glass. Whereas, in the form of plastic, gauze or others are destroyed by burning it an open field. It is deviant behavior in the management of solid medical waste. To avoid aberrant behavior, it is necessary to conduct research about factors that influence the management of solid medical waste by Midwives in the Community Health Center of IV Jurai in Pesisir Selatan District. The type of this research was quantitative with a Cross-Sectional approach with chi-square test analysis. The population was all midwives in the Community Health Center of IV Jurai, Pesisir Selatan district in 2018. By using the total sampling technique, 42 people had been chosen as the samples of this research. The independent variables were knowledge, attitude, compliance, education and the dependent variable was the management of solid medical waste. The results of this research showed that 24 respondents had a lack of knowledge(57.1%). Then, 32 of them (76.32%) had a negative attitude. Next, 61.9% of the respondents were disobedient (26 people). After that, 28 of them (66.7%) had bad management of solid medical waste. Last, 32 of them (76.2%) were graduated from Diploma III. From statistical test results described that there was relationship between knowledge (p = 0.047 OR = 3, 985), attitude (p= 0.008 OR = 8), compliance (p = 0.000 OR = 16 ) and education (p= 0.008 OR = 8) with solid medical waste management. In short, it can be concluded that knowledge, attitudes, compliance and education have a significant relationship with the management of solid medical waste. Therefore, it is suggested to the Health Agencies to socialize this solid medical waste management to paramedics to keep the environment and avoid nosocomial infections